On the occasion of the silver jubilee year of Adya Krantiveer Vasudev Balwant Phadke Vidyalaya in New Panvel, various activities are organized in the school to give scope to the latent qualities of the students and to develop their talents in the right direction. As a part of the same, Balanand Melavai was organized in the school on 16 March 2024.
The Bal Anand Mela was inaugurated by Asim aka Rudransh Chondekar and Anaya Pingle, child actors from the famous serial ‘Mazi Tai Nivedita’ on Sony Marathi channel.

In this programme, the students of the school prepared different food stalls and other students enjoyed themselves by buying the food from the stall. The students got to experience different experiences while buying the products from the stalls. Panipuri, Bhel, Bhaji, Shira, Thecha Bhakar, Pohe, Usal, Chanklet, Chinese food, Pavbhaji were prepared by the students themselves. They had a different joy in selling the items they made, greeting cards, keychains, bookmarks and various other items as well as arts like mehndi, nail art tattoos were also included in this gathering. Through this gathering, the students could directly and easily enjoy the exchange transactions as well as the work done by themselves. Some experiences are better delivered through hands-on experience than books, and this Anand Melawa is a perfect example.

All the sections’ headmistresses, teachers and, parents’ representatives of Phadke Vidyalaya were present on this occasion. Appreciating this clever initiative of the school, the parents thanked the school for holding this Bal Anand Mela so that the students can get the knowledge of ‘earn and learn’ through various professions and practical activities.

To see live moments 



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Annual Cultural Event _2024-25 English medium

Theme – ”मनोहरम’ – The Leela of Lord Krishna’